
Class times: 6.30 pm | Mondays | 12, 19, 26 Feb & 4, 11, 18 March 2024

Venue: Greek Community of Melbourne, Level 2, 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne (+online)

Online: zoom link | It’s the same link for all six classes. | In case of internet disruption, dial-in on +61 3 7018 2005 | Meeting ID: 811 4915 2811 | Passcode: 351774

Course outline and weekly readings

Access to the text: Print translations of Plato’s Gorgias are published by Penguin and Oxford. Online, we recommend David Horan’s translation, which can be printed in PDF.

Catch-up class recordings

Go to the YouTube playlist for all recordings or follow the links below

( Soon after each class a recordings of the classes will appear here )