

  • Six weekly small-group sessions
  • Read a set passage before the evening talk and discussion
  • $180/$90 or less if you become a member



Access to the text

We will be reading from The Book on the taboo against knowing who you are. This book was first published in the USA in 1966 and various editions are now available online and in good bookstores.

Courses Outline

Alan Watts (1915-73) was a leader in the Western reception of Eastern mysticism during the 1950s and 1960s. His interests and writings cover Christian mysticism, Zen Buddhism, Taoism and the Vedanta tradition of Hinduism. The text we read for this course provides one of the best summaries of Watts’s own philosophy view, which is found to have deep resonances in Plato and Platonism.

Session 1 | Chapter 1 | Inside Information

Session 2 | Chapter 2 | The Game of Black-and-White

Session 3 | Chapter 3 | How to be a Genuine Fake

Session 4 | Chaper 4 | The World is your Body

Session 5 | Chapter 5 | So What?

Session 6 | Chapter 6 | IT
