
| Gorgias: Persuasion Power & Passion (from Wed 19 Feb) [BOOKED OUT]| Platonic Esoteric Geometry (from Mon 17 Feb) [BOOKED OUT] | Study Tour of Egypt (from 15 Oct) |

Pentagram expansion

What is the good life? Is it the life of the all-powerful tyrant? Is revenge and retribution really pleasing? And does pleasure’s pursuit make us happy? Join our reading of Plato’s Gorgias (suitable for beginners and continuing students [BOOKED OUT]) to see how Socrates’ surprising responses to these questions prefigure the Christian beatitudes.

What has geometry got to do with philosophy? Come with us on a journey beyond words and into the timeless realm of geometry form. No prior experience is necessary as you learn how to manifest the elements of shape and proportion in the plane of the page. Platonic Esoteric Geometry [BOOKED OUT] is a practical meditation on simplicity that is now championed at our Academy for delivering a special and exquisite joy to those long since schooled to think of themselves as mathematical dunces.

What has Platonism got to do with Egypt? Find out how Middle Platonism, Jewish Platonism, neo-Platonism, Christian Platonism and even Islamic Platonism all trace tap roots back to the sands of Egypt. Plato himself idealised ancient Egyptian wisdom. The Platonic Academy’s Small-Group Study Tour of Egypt will visit the great monuments of the Pharohs on the banks of the Nile. But the tour is also carefully designed to explore key developments in Platonism that took place at amazing locations by wadis and oases and in remote caves out in the great dry expanse of Egypt.

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