
Nicholas of Cusa | Resources

Venue: Kathleen Syme Centre, 251 Faraday St, Carlton, Melbourne (+online with zoom)

Directions: From the Kathleen Syme Centre main entrance, take the stairs to the first floor and turn left to Multipurpose Room 2. (If late and the door is locked, then call Maria on 04 4762 7422.)

Zoom link | same link for every class | dial-in on +61 2 8015 6011 Australia | Meeting ID: 867 6796 0698 Passcode: 028956

Course Outline and readings

Access to Texts

Plato Republic Buy print in Penguin | Book VI & VII online (Horan) | download Book VI to X in Greek/English || Parmenides Cornford’s Translation | Online (Horan)|| Sophist Conford’s translation in print and download | Online (Horan)

pseudo-Dionysius The mystical theology and The Divine Names translated by Rolt (preferred) or by Luibheid.

Nicholas of Cusa: On Not other is in Hopkins’ God as not-other | On learned ignorance. is also translated by Hopkins.

Catch-up classes

Week 1

Session 1 | The mystical source in Plato | Republic page 5o2d to 518e

Week 2

Session 2 | Neo-Platonic mysticism & pseudo-Dionysius | The Mystical Theology

Week 3

Session 3 | Introducing Nicholas of Cusa | “On not-other” Ch 1

Week 4

The video below explains homework arising from Week 4 in preparation for Week 5

Week 4 | Homework exercises explained

Session 4 | The otherness of the named/signified/observed | On not-other Ch 2 to Ch 5

Week 5

Session 5 | déjà vu all over again

Week 6

Session 6