
Class times: 6.30pm Wednesday 21 & 28 June and 5, 12, 19 & 26 July 2023

Venue: The Greek Community | Level 2, 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne

Zoom link for all six classes

Dial-in back-up in case of internet disruptions: 03 7018 2005 | Meeting ID: 827 2755 3345 | Passcode: 791295


We will be progressively reading through Plato’s Symposium and Phaedrus. For options on accessing these texts and for the weekly readings see the Course Outline page.

Catch-up Classes

Access class recordings below or directly from the Youtube playlist (unlisted)

Week 1

1st Session    | Eulogies to Eros | Symposium page 173 to 193e

Week 2

2nd Session    | Lover’s ascent to Absolute Beauty | Symposium page 194a to 212c

Week 3

3rd Session    | Temptation of Socrates | Symposium page 212c to 223a

Week 4

4th Session | Perils of love for the Beloved | Phaedrus page 227 to 241

Week 5

5th Session    | Divine madness & the Winged Chariot | Phaedrus p 241 to 257

Week 6

6th Session    | Rhetoric, for Philosophy  | Phaedrus page 269d to 279