
Platonic Love | Resources

Tuesdays, Spring 2020

ZOOM link for all sessions

Dial-in back-up for connection disruptions: +61 3 7018 2005 or +61 2 8015 6011 | Meeting ID: 985 1333 0262 | Password: 996988

Course outline and weekly readings

Loeb Classical Library Greek/English edition of Phaedrus (PDF)

The Drinking Party, 1965 adaption of Plato’s Symposium directed by Jonathan Miller

Catch-up videos

Session 1

Platonic Love, Spring 2020, Session 1

Session 2

Platonic Love, Spring 2020, Session 2

Session 3

Platonic Love, Spring 2020, Session 3

Session 4

Platonic Love, Spring 2020, Session 4

Mentioned in Session 4 was Michel Foucault’s History of Sexuality. Volume II: The Use of Pleasure was published just after he died in 1984. It covers ancient Greece, and makes extensive use of Plato.

Also mentioned (and to be discussed more in the next two sessions) is ‘Plato’s Pharmacy’ (in Dissemination ; pdf) by another modern French philosopher, Jacques Derrida. This essay analysis Plato’s Phaedrus with specially interest in Plato’s use of the word pharmakon. His critique of the Socratic case for speech over writing effects a sceptical critique of Plato’s very theory of forms and introduces the method of scepticism known as ‘Deconstruction‘.

Session 5

Platonic Love, Spring 2020, Session 5

Who would not wish to be so inspired by those Socratic frenzies which Plato sings in the Phaedrus that, swiftly fleeing this place, that is, this world fixed in evil, by the oars, so to say, both of feet and wings, he might reach the heavenly Jerusalem by the swiftest course? Let us be driven, Oh Fathers, by those Socratic frenzies which lift us to such ecstasy that our intellects and
our very selves are united to God.

Oration on the Dignity of Man (1486) by Pico della Mirandola,
Alcibiades I p 332-3 by Plato (?)
In Alcibiades I Socrates considers that the Delphic ‘Know thyself’ might be ‘See thyself’, and then compares an eye seeing its reflection in the pupil of another eye to a soul seeing its reflection in another. — Thank you Voula!

“The eye with which I see God is the same with which God sees me. My eye and God’s eye is one eye, and one sight, and one knowledge, and one love.”

Meister Eckhart

Session 6

Platonic Love, Spring 2020, Session 6