
Class Times: 6.30pm to 8pm Wednesday 21, 28 August & 4, 11, 18, 25 September

Venue: Meeting Room 4,  Kathleen Syme Centre, 251 Faraday St, Carlton (Locked out? Call Call Effie on 04 3012 7170)

Zoom link (the for all 6 classes) | Dial-in for internet disruption: +61 3 7018 2005 | Meeting ID: 863 1210 3125 | Passcode: 768141

Course Outline and weekly readings with options for access to texts

PDF of first reading: Judgment of Souls.

Catch-up Class Recordings

Go to the YouTube playlist for all recordings or follow the links below

Week 1

Session 1 | Intro | The Judgement of Souls | Gorgias 523a-527a

Week 2

Session 2 | The Myth of Er Republic 614b-621d | The Cosmic Eras Statesman 268d-274e

Week 3

Session 3 | Winged Soul Phaedrus 246a–257a | The Origin of Virtue Protagoras 320c–323a 

Week 4

More on Gandhara: Platonism and Buddhism

Session 4 | The Other World, Phaedo 107c – 115a | The Cave, Republic 514a-517a |

Week 5

Session 5 | The Androgyne, Symposium p 189c–193e | The Birth of Love, Symposium p 201d–212c

Week 6

Session 6 | Atlantis and the Ancient City of Athens | Timaeus 20d – 25d & Critias 108 e-121c