
Theaetetus | Resources

Class times: 6.30 pm Tuesday: 13, 20, 27 April & 4, 11, 18 May 2021

Zoom link for all six sessions

Dial-in back-up in case of internet disruptions: +61 3 7018 2005 | Meeting ID: 823 7161 7935 | Passcode: 314017


Find how to access Plato’s dialogue Theaetetus on the course outline page. This also gives the standard page references for the weekly readings.

Catch-up Classes

Week 1

1st Session (13/04/2021) | Framing the question: What is knowledge? | page 144 to 151e

Week 2

Second Session (20/04/2021) | Knowledge is perception | page 151e to 161a

Week 3

Note that this class experienced an internet disruption which compromised the presentation. This also meant that the first 10 mins was not recorded.

Third Session (27/04/2021) | Is reason your master or your slave? | page 161a to 177c

Week 4

Four Session (4/5/2021) | Between Heraclitus and Parmenides | page 177c to 187a

Week 5

Fifth Session (11May21) | True and false opinion | page 187b to 201c

Week 6

Sixth Session 18May21 | Justified true belief | page 201c to 210