
Classs times: 6.30 – 8 pm Wednesday 19, 26 April & 3, 10, 17 24 May 2023

Venue: Meeting Room 4, Kathleen Syme Centre, 251 Faraday St, Carlton
The main entrance is now locked after 6pm. From 6.15 to 6.30 pm someone will be out front to let you in. If you come late, or you find the door locked, then just call Effie (0430 127 171).

Zoom Link for all six classes
Dial-in backup in case of internet disruptions: Dial 03 7018 2005 | Meeting ID: 862 1036 9713 | Passcode: 175144

Course outline giving weekly reading and how to access to the best translations

Catch-up Classes

Access class recordings below or directly from the Youtube playlist (unlisted)

Week 1

Session 1 | The harmonious world soul | Timaeus page 17 to 37c

Week 2

Session 2 | Psyco-cosmic Harmony | page 37c to 58c

Week 3

Session 3 | Psycho-cosmic symmetry & Atlantis | Critias (compete)

Week 4

Session 4 | What is the good life? Hedonism or the life of mind? | Philebus p. 11-22

Week 5

The Pythagorean limit & unlimited: one & many ; more & less | Philebus t0 page 32

Week 6

Session 6 | The next best thing to absolute goodness | Philebus page 51 to 67