
Timaeus+ | Resources

Class times: 6.30 pm Tuesdays: 24, 31 August & 7, 14, 21, 28 September 2021

Zoom link (online-only) for all six classes

Dial-in: back-up in case of internet disruptions: 03 7018 2005 Meeting ID: 840 6208 4183 Passcode: 098299

Course outline and access to weekly reading

Online Philosophy Cafe Sunday, 12 September from 10.30 am zoom link

Dial-up: +61 3 7018 2005 Australia | Meeting ID: 892 2073 6958 | Pwd: 597005

Catch-up Classes

Week 1

Session 1 | The harmonious world soul | Timaeus page 17 to 37c

Book mentioned in the class: Plato, the myth maker by Brisson

Week 2

Session 2 | Harmony of the Soul catch-up from Session 1

Book Mentioned: The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran by Patricia Crone

Week 3

Session 3 | Platonic Solids + Atlantis | Critias

Week 4

For a performance of the doubling of the square scene from Meno try this video.

Session 4 | Learning as recollection | Meno page 70 to 86c

Week 5

Session 5 | Knowledge, judgement and enthusiasm | Meno page 86d to 100b

Week 6

Session 6 | Enthusiastic Rhapsody | Ion (complete)