Autumn term starting soon
Places are still available for evening classes starting the week of Monday 17 April 2023. And remember to book soon for our study tour of Greece:
Places are still available for evening classes starting the week of Monday 17 April 2023. And remember to book soon for our study tour of Greece:
Enrolments are now open for Autumn evening classes starting the week of Monday, 17 April 2023. Geometry Part 2 runs in sympathy with the esoteric geometry we will be encountering in Plato’s Timaeus. Geometry Part 2 has arrived! We will go beyond the dialogues, back to first principles and then Read more…
We will be celebrating the end of Summer at afternoon tea from 3 pm in Camberwell on the 18 of March. RSVP is essential for attendance. Our special guest speaker will be Helen Nichol from the School of Philosophy. As a devoted and long-standing student of Plotinus, Helen will present her Read more…