Enrolments are now open for Autumn evening classes starting the week of Monday, 17 April 2023.

Geometry Part 2 runs in sympathy with the esoteric geometry we will be encountering in Plato’s Timaeus.
Geometry Part 2 has arrived! We will go beyond the dialogues, back to first principles and then on to improve our drawing skills with colourful new explorations of geometric proportions and symmetries. [BOOKED OUT]
Timaeus is back with a revised course giving more attention to the esoteric geometric references, including a guest speaker on Plato’s theory of harmony. Then, a full discussion of the Atlantis Myth. And then we read for the first time Philebus, where its investigation of The Good Life takes its famous esoteric turns. See: Timaeus, Critias & Philebus. [BOOKED OUT]
Ancient Greek Languages and the First Philosophers continues on Tuesday nights with Part 2. [BOOKED OUT]
Myths Morals and Mysticism: the deadline for booking our study tour of Greece in October has been extended to 20 April.