
Platonic Love 2021 | Resources

Class times: 6.30 pm Wednesday: 23, 30 June & 7, 14, 21, 28 July 2021

Venue: Level 2, 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne

Zoom link to monitor the face-to-face class

Dial-in back-up in case of internet disruptions: 03 7018 2005 | Meeting ID: 822 9146 0045 | Passcode: 308395


For the weekly readings from Plato’s Symposium and Phaedrus see the Course Outline page.

Catch-up classes

Weeks 1 & 2

We have been trialing basic hybrid delivery with poor results. Week 1 has was filmed in two videos (Wk1 Part A & Part B) with a gap of 10 mins. Week 2 has poor audio. For catch-up, it is therefore recommended to watch the recordings from the hidden resources page of the 2020 course.

Week 3

Session 3 | Temptation of Socrates | Symposium page 212c to 223a

See also the blog post on Pico and Derrida.

Week 4

Session 4 | Perils of love for the Beloved | Phaedrus page 227 to 241

Week 5

Session  5  | Divine madness & the Winged Chariot | Phaedrus page 241 to 257

Week 6

Session 6 | Rhetoric, for Philosophy | Phaedrus page 269d to 279