
Class times: 6.30pm to 8 pm Mondays, 6, 13, 20 & 27 Nov, 4 & 11 Dec 2023

Venue: Multipurpose Room 2, Kathleen Syme Centre, 251 Faraday St, Carlton
If the door is locked, call Bernie on 0407938452.

Online with zoom: ZOOM link for all six classes
In case of internet disruption, dial-in +61 3 7018 2005 | Meeting ID: 829 6536 4055 | Passcode: 380474

Course Outline and weekly readings

Access to texts

All readings from ‘The Last Days of Socrates’ which includes the dialogues Euthyphro, Apology and Phaedo.

Catch-up class recordings

Go to the YouTube playlist for all recordings or follow the links below

Week 1

Session 1  | Philosophy, Scepticism and Wisdom | Apology page 20c to 23e

Week 2

Session 2  | What is Justice? | Euthyphro (complete)

Week 3

Session 3  | Body & Soul | Phaedo page 60b to 69e 

Week 4

Session 4  | The other side of Things | Phaedo page 70a to 79e

Week 5

Session 5  | The absolute reality of ‘Forms’ | Phaedo page 84c to 100a

Week 6

Session 6  | What is Platonism? | Phaedo page 100c to 105e