
Winter Term enrolments now open

Enrolments are now open for Winter evening classes starting the week of Monday, 19 June 2023. 

Das Gastmahl des Platon (1869) by Anselm Feuerbach | Source: Wikipedia

“The Symposium of Plato” Anselm Feuerbach, ca. 1873

The classroom heat will be turned up for our final term before heading over to sunny Greece (join us in Greece).

So, grab your coat and troop on in (or take the soft option with zoom).
Beginners and continuing students are welcome in all courses this term.

  • Mondays: Geometry continues with colourful spirals and tiles
    (hands-on only | no zoom). [BOOKINGS CLOSED]
  • Tuesday: Learning the Greek language used by Plato [BOOKED OUT]
  • Wednesdays: Read Plato’s Symposium and Phaedrus in Platonic Love [BOOKED OUT].

Autumn term starting soon

Places are still available for evening classes starting the week of Monday 17 April 2023.

Image credit: Gosta Lindwall
Atlantis according to the description in Plato’s Critias (as depicted by the artist Gosta Lindwall)

And remember to book soon for our study tour of Greece:

Autumn term enrolments now open

Enrolments are now open for Autumn evening classes starting the week of Monday, 17 April 2023. 

Preparations for Geometry Part 2

Geometry Part 2 runs in sympathy with the esoteric geometry we will be encountering in Plato’s Timaeus.

Geometry Part 2 has arrived! We will go beyond the dialogues, back to first principles and then on to improve our drawing skills with colourful new explorations of geometric proportions and symmetries. [BOOKED OUT]

Timaeus is back with a revised course giving more attention to the esoteric geometric references, including a guest speaker on Plato’s theory of harmony. Then, a full discussion of the Atlantis Myth. And then we read for the first time Philebus, where its investigation of The Good Life takes its famous esoteric turns. See: Timaeus, Critias & Philebus. [BOOKED OUT]

Ancient Greek Languages and the First Philosophers continues on Tuesday nights with Part 2. [BOOKED OUT]

Myths Morals and Mysticism: the deadline for booking our study tour of Greece in October has been extended to 20 April.