Reading Plato: Feb-Mar 2020
Enrolments are now open for our Reading Plato course, Tuesday (FULL) Wednesday nights, 6.30 pm, starting 12 Feb, 2020 at our new central city location, Greek Community Centre, Lonsdale St, Melbourne.
Enrolments are now open for our Reading Plato course, Tuesday (FULL) Wednesday nights, 6.30 pm, starting 12 Feb, 2020 at our new central city location, Greek Community Centre, Lonsdale St, Melbourne.
Tuesdays nights, 8 pm, weekly from 15 October 2019, Melbourne, North side
On Saturday afternoon at 2 pm (21 Sept) the Platonic Academy is checking out the Hellenic Museum of Melbourne, not just because it is wonderful but as a possible meeting venue. (That this event will be followed by an Orphic Read more…