| Reading Plato from Wed 23 Oct | Aristotle from Thurs 24 Oct
| Greek Language Pt 2 from Mon 21 Oct |

Our foundation course Reading Plato: An Introduction to Philosophy [BOOKED OUT] returns from Wednesday 23 October. This course is designed to give new students a rounded introduction to Plato and to philosophy generally.
On Thursday nights (from 24 Oct) we have a NEW course reading the first three books of Aristotle’s Metaphysics [BOOKED OUT]. The Metaphysics is one of the most important works in the European tradition. It’s first three books are a great introduction to Aristotle because of the way he situations his new philosophy in rejection of all the philosophy that came before him.
On Monday nights Ancient Greek Language & the 1st Philosophers [BOOKED OUT] continues with Part 2.
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