Last year for the first time in a collaboration with ISP, we decided to offer a course in ancient Greek language . The idea was to open some insight into the fragments of pre-Socratic philosophy by considering the original Greek. The course was open to absolute beginners and started with the Greek alphabet.
We never expected such a “dead language” course to be popular, but it quickly booked-out so that a second class was necessary. This year the course was re-organised, expanded and offered again in two parts, and both parts were again fully booked. After that, a more advanced course was offered and it booked-out.
Why are the ancient Greek language courses so popular?
I guess we must ask the students! But the success of these courses is certainly a credit to the depth of knowledge and enthusiasm of our tutor, Martin Black. An enthusiastic core of Martin’s students will continue Learning Greek with Plato in our Twilight Term, starting 31 October [BOOKED OUT].
If you would also like to try your hand at ancient Greek language, then another beginners group will be starting in February 2023.
The other course offered during our Twilight Term is Plato’s Republic Part II, starting Wednesday, 2 November [BOOKED OUT]. This course covers the more philosophical books of Plato’s Republic. New students are welcome, as completion of Part I is no prerequisite.