
Autumn Salon: Sufism & Platonism

| Afternoon tea | 3pm Saturday, 18 May | in Doncaster | RSVP essential for attendance |

UPDATE: Recording of Bruce Xu’s talk (unedited)

Sufism: Light in the Cave
In the first few centuries following the Islam conquest, Eastern mystics called “Sufi” gathered huge followings, and some attained great political influence. Where did Sufism come from? There is so much more to early Sufism than the poetry of Rumi and the ecstatic dance of the Dervish, but it’s mystical teachings always present striking sympathies with Platonism. Bruce Xu will introduce us to Sufism and consider its historical roots in late antique neo-Platonism.
| Students, old and new, family and friends are all welcome. | Numbers strictly limited | RSVP essential via eventbrite |


|PAM on Instagram | Facebook page | Facebook group | Eventbrite |

Winter Salon

| Afternoon tea | 3pm Saturday, 22 July 2023 | in Brunswick | a combined event with the Independent School of Philosophy |RSVP essential for attendance |

Our celebratation of the end of the Winter Term will begin with a talk by Martin Black and a brief response by Bernie Lewin. Martin’s talk, “Sun, line and cave: Plato’s images of the relation between image and reality,” will present an understanding of the famous allegorical section of Plato’s Republic (p. 504-521).

Members, students, past students, family and friends are all welcome. RSVP essential for attendance.

Autumn Salon

| Afternoon tea | 3pm Saturday, 27 May 2023 | in Brunswick | RSVP essential for attendance | UPDATE: Video Recording of John Oppy’s talk | UPDATE: Transcript |

Basil, John & Greg from the Eastern Church

Our salon to celebrate the end of the Autumn Term will kick-off with a talk by one of our students, John Oppy. John will speak about early Christian Platonism, comparing developments in the East with those in the West.

Members, students, past students, family and friends are all welcome. RSVP essential for attendance.