
Timewell Lecture 2024: Insights into Mycenaean Civilization and the first Greek script

| Saturday 20 July 2024 | 3pm AGM | 4pm Annual Timewell Lecture | Dr Stavroula Nikoloudis (LaTrobe Uni) | Symes Centre Carlton | Free | Book a seat | Donations Accepted |

Pylos Pa

The Platonic Academy of Melbourne is pleased to announce that Dr Stavroula Nikoloudis will be presenting our second annual Eric Timewell Memorial Lecture:

Power and Privilege at Pylos: Insights from the Mycenaean Linear B texts.

This free public lecture is open to all those interested in Mycenaean culture and history, and the origins of the Greek language.

Seating is limited, so book a seat (Donations).

Academy Members (join here) are encouraged to attend the AGM and afternoon tea from 3pm, just prior to the lecture.

Autumn Salon

| Afternoon tea | 3pm Saturday, 27 May 2023 | in Brunswick | RSVP essential for attendance | UPDATE: Video Recording of John Oppy’s talk | UPDATE: Transcript |

Basil, John & Greg from the Eastern Church

Our salon to celebrate the end of the Autumn Term will kick-off with a talk by one of our students, John Oppy. John will speak about early Christian Platonism, comparing developments in the East with those in the West.

Members, students, past students, family and friends are all welcome. RSVP essential for attendance.