Doubling the Square

The full force of the southern Summer is finally upon us, and so it’s time to strip down to the toga for a heady dialogue with Plato.

If you have not already claimed a place in the circle, then there is still space in our February-March courses. But don’t dally! Bookings must close in the next few days.

Those new to Plato and Philosophy best take the Reading Plato foundation course. [UPDATE: BOOKED OUT]

Those continuing students who have not yet read Plato’s Republic, then…well…Let’s just say that you haven’t yet completed your Platonic initiation. [UPDATE: BOOKED OUT]

New this year is the hands-on Geometry course. This is where we pick up from those geometry references in the dialogues…and start drawing! Alas, this course is booked out. If you were caught out tardy with your enrolment but you are still keen to discover what on earth elementary geometry has to do with The Good Life, then do let us know. That will ensure the course repeats in Autumn.

COVID Restrictions

Finally, please note how the Academy is dealing with the ongoing COVID restrictions. Our flip over to online delivery during lockdown was well received and, in fact, a great success. Still, Bernie was keen to return to the classroom as soon as possible, and this was planned for all Summer courses. Alas, various reasons not to go face-to-face started to pile up. These included the cost of ‘deep clean’ after every class, but also student preference. So, we have almost completely reverted back to online for the Summer sessions (and probably until all COVID restrictions are removed).

All Summer classes, except hands-on Geometry, will be online-only.

Previously enrolled students have been notified of this change. To them, we apologise and offer the option of a full refund.